9 Proven Benefits Of A Ketogenic Lifestyle

The ketogenic lifestyle is here! It’s not just because the keto diet is the latest buzz word in diet circles for weight loss it can...

How Does a Keto Diet Balance Blood Sugar?

Low carb diets like a keto diet, are often about balancing blood sugar levels. Aside from losing weight, some people go on a low...

Pescatarian Keto – Is it Healthier than Regular Keto?

The Pescatarian keto diet is one of the latest variations of the ketogenic diet that has recently been gaining popularity. For those who don't already...

Do You Need to Count Calories on a Keto Diet?

You may have heard some people say that they lost weight on a keto diet without counting calories. But does that work for everyone? ...

Possible Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies in a Keto Diet

Although a keto diet is a truly healthy way to lose weight especially if you do it the right way, you must also be...

How To Tell If You’re In Ketosis Without Testing?

The main goal of the ketogenic diet is to get into a metabolic state known as ketosis. In this state, your body will start...

Best Nuts to Eat On Keto

You absolutely can have nuts when you’re on a keto diet but you might be asking what are the best nuts to eat on...

Artificial Sweeteners on Keto? Good or Bad?

"Can you use artificial sweeteners on keto?" is a question I see getting asked a lot in online health groups. Natural ones, such as honey,...

Coconut Oil Is Not Poison But Sugar Is!

  Shock horrors! People who have been eating and using coconut oil by the bucket load for it's presumed health benefits are reeling from the...

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Keto Diet

There are many other health benefits of keto diet than weight loss although it has become very popular for that in the past few...