Curation Policy

Here at Shed And Shape we value good content for our readers. In that spirit we will often curate or excerpt content from top quality sources on the web.

The very internet itself was created on the foundation of linking, sharing, and recommending good content from other sources on the web. Curation means finding good, well-written, and highly relevant material for our readers.

By choosing content from your site, we are giving it our vote of approval. This not only means that we excerpt your content, we also give it our highest recommendation, and we encourage our readers to view your content on your website with a direct link back your source material.

Our curation is designed to send our readers to your site so you get new visitors exposed to your top quality content.

We curated your content because it was outstanding in some way.

If you wish us not to curate content from your web site, simply contact us, and request your story be taken down.

We will quickly comply with your takedown request, and put you on our list of sites never to excerpt from.

Most publishers and websites are extremely happy to receive additional exposure and readership for their content as a result of our curation.

Curation Policy:

Most online publishers recognize the value of having their stories and articles:

  • quoted
  • commented on
  • debated
  • discussed
  • linked to
  • have new readers exposed to their articles

Social sharing of good content extends its reach, impact, traffic levels, and ultimately the profit of the original publisher’s website.

We are excerpting your content to inform our visitors, and to point then to the original source of the excerpt.

We want our readers to discover and visit your content, and your website. We want you to be more than pleased that we quoted, referenced or utilized your content.

“Fair Use” standards, practices, and legal decisions are still evolving online. We like to think our standards are a cut above the strictly legal interpretation of fair use.

We have higher standards than “Fair Use.” We strive for “Elated Use.”

If you are not elated to be excerpted and linked to by our site, just let us know. We will immediately correct the situation.

We excerpt your content the exact same way we hope others will curate our content.

If you like a story on our site, feel free to excerpt it as generously as you wish. In return please just give us clear credit, link back to the original page on our site, and some encouragement for interested readers to visit our original web page.

Take as much of our content as you think your readers will enjoy. Just link, credit, and encourage the reader to visit the original site.

  • That is what we do.
  • That is what built the internet.
  • That is what social sharing is about.
  • Everyone benefits with shared content following this policy.

Most Importantly…

Sharing and curation and excerpting standards are still evolving online. Our standards of may very well differ from yours.

If you want us to be even more generous with links and credit let us know. If you feel your story has had too much excerpted, let us know.

We will fix it rapidly.

Use our contact form if you have any queries about the policies outlined here.

We also publish user generated content. We request our web site users also follow these curation guidelines, but cannot police every single submission.

If you’re a copyright owner & would like material removed from our site, please read our DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) policy and takedown procedure.[end]

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