Keto Blueberry Scones with Lemon Glaze

keto blueberry scones

If you’re looking for a healthy low carb pastry to bake this holiday, make it these keto blueberry scones. Scones are usually made of wheat flour and are sweetened with sugar and glazed with egg wash.

For a low carb version of these Scottish pastries, this recipe from Elsie Yan of Low Carb Recipe Ideas uses almond flour and butter. The scones are sweetened with erythritol, a low carb sweetener and topped with a tangy lemon glaze .

What makes this keto blueberry scone recipe even more special are the blueberries, which are safe for keto, as long as you add them in moderation.

These delicious scones are great for snacks or breakfast, especially when paired with a cup of tea or keto coffee.

Related reading: What Is Keto Coffee and Should You Drink It?

Keto Blueberry Scones Recipe Notes

These keto blueberrys scones are slightly different from regular scones in as much as they are made in a way that gives them a nice flaky texture. This involves shaping the dough into a rectangle then folding the ends into the middle before repeating.

You can use a pastry scraper to help you do this as the dough is a little soft and fragile. To see the exact method it’s best to watch the video demo as it’s difficult to explain.

I’ve tweaked the original recipe ingredients to include organic ingredients where possible as they contain more nutrients. I also recommend the use of salt from ancient sea beds to avoid the plastic microfibers that are in regular sea salt.

Although researchers say that these microfibers are everywhere and we are even breathing them in it pays to try and avoid them where you can.


Blueberries have been called a superfood because they are very nutritious and have a lot of health benefits. They are rich in fiber which is especially important if you are following a low carb or keto diet to help prevent constipation. They also contain antioxidants and Vitamin C.

Related reading: How to Fix Low Carb Constipation

Research has shown that they can help in boosting immunity (1) and can reduce the risk of diabetes (2), obesity (3) and heart diseases (4).

Although blueberries are not on EWG’s Dirty Dozen list for pesticides they don’t make the Clean Fifteen List. I recommend that you buy organic blueberries if you can for these keto blueberry scones. Not only will you avoid any possible pesticide residue you will get more nutrients.

If you can’t get organic blueberries then soaking them in a vinegar solution and rinsing well under running water can help to remove pesticide residues. Use ½ cup of white vinegar to 2 cups of water and allow the fruit to soak for 5-10 minutes. This can be used for other fruit and vegetables.

For a slightly different recipe that takes less work try this recipe for Low Carb Blueberry Scones. If you’d prefer a cake then this Keto Blueberry Cake is delicious.

If muffins are your weakness then this Keto Blueberry Muffins Recipe will do the trick. Personally I love cheesecake. If you crave cheesecake too then this Keto Blueberry Cheesecake is bound to satisfy the craving.

Blueberries are always good to add to a low carb smoothie too. This Keto Green Smoothie Recipe with Blueberries and Avocado is especially good and will set you up for the morning.

If you do not eat animal products try these Vegan Scones: Keto with Chia. They are just as good as regular scones.

Keto Blueberry Scones


  • 360 grams or 3 cups almond flour
  • 12 grams or 3 tsp gluten free baking powder
  • 60 grams or ¼ cup cold grass-fed butter
  • 20 – 30 grams erythritol (if you’re not using a lemon glaze, you can use 50 grams of erythritol)
  • 1 large organic/pastured egg and 1 large organic/pastured egg yolk (reserve the egg white for brushing)
  • ½ tsp Redmond Real Sea Salt
  • 100 grams or 1 cup organic blueberries
  • A little coconut flour for dusting working surface

Lemon Glaze

To prepare the lemon glaze, mix the lemon juice, sweetener, zest, and salt. Slowly add the lemon juice until you achieve the desired texture.


1. Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Line a baking tray with non bleached parchment paper.
2. Add the almond flour, baking powder, erythritol, and salt to a large bowl and mix well.
3. Add the cold butter and rub it into the almond flour to form small flat sheets using your fingertips. Then flatten these pieces of dough between your hands. Watch the video to see how this is done. It’s these thin sheets of butter that produce the flaky layers as they produce steam.
4. Once the dough become crumbly add the eggs and mix until it forms lumps and loose flour.
5. Turn the dough onto a clean dry surface dusted with some coconut flour.
6. Shape the dough into a rectangular shape and fold the two short ends into the middle. You can use a flat pastry scraper for doing this. Shape the dough into a rectangle again, then add half of the blueberries pressing them down gently. Fold the two short ends of the rectangle into the middle. Form into a rectangle again and add the remaining blueberries. Fold for the last time.
7. Form the dough into a round shape that’s about 3/4″ – 1″ thick.
8. Cut the dough into eight triangles and arrange them on the prepared baking tray.
9. Brush the tops of the scones with the egg white and sprinkle with a little keto granulated sweetener.
10. Place the dough in the refrigerator and chill for 15 mins.
11. Bake for 15 to 20 mins or until golden brown.
12. Place the keto blueberry scones on a wire rack and drizzle with the lemon glaze if using. Allow to cool before serving. They are best eaten the same day.

Here’s Elsie’s video demo of these delicious flaky keto blueberry scones: