Decadent Low Carb Chocolate Avocado Pudding

low carb chocolate avocado pudding

Preparing low carb desserts with no sugar can be a bit of a challenge but this low carb chocolate avocado pudding really hits the mark. So, it’s definitely possible to still indulge in your favorite sweet treats even when you’re living the ketogenic lifestyle.

For example, this decadent low carb keto chocolate pudding recipe from chiropractor Dr Nick Sudano, is made with low carb ingredients, yet will still satisfy your sweet tooth cravings. Dr Nick is an advocate of natural healing through better nutrition and lifestyle.

It’s made with avocado which some people are afraid of eating when they are trying to lose weight because of the fats it contains but avocados can in fact help with weight loss. You can learn more about this in my article Avocados Benefits for Weight Loss

And of course avocado makes this dessert it keto-friendly! It will also provide you with abundant anti-oxidants as well as high quality fats. Above all, you’ll love the fact that this pudding is extremely easy to prepare and will only take a few minutes of your time.

Dr Nick says that he prefers to use liquid stevia and not xylitol as listed in the ingredients. Interestingly, he says xylitol, a zero carb sweetener,  can spike you blood sugar a little although it’s generally not thought to do this.

Related reading: How Does a Keto Diet Balance Blood Sugar?

Related reading: What is Allulose Sweetener and is it Keto?

Dr Axe also mentions that it’s been reported that xylitol can do this. It’s a sugar alcohol and writing on the Mayo Clinic website Dr R Castro says that sugar alcohols can increase your blood sugar levels.  So, take care if you use xylitol.

Related reading: 4 Best Natural Low Carb Sweeteners

If you love avocados then check out these delicious avocado recipes:

Low Carb Chilled Avocado Soup Recipe
Keto Green Smoothie Recipe with Blueberries and Avocado
Cacao Keto Smoothie With Chia Seeds & Avocado
Low Carb Chocolate Avocado Protein Smoothie

Low Carb Chocolate Avocado Pudding


  • 1 medium ripe avocado
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp. raw coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp. good quality cocoa powder
  • A few drops of Stevia or Erythritol to taste
  • 1 scoop of good quality chocolate whey protein powder like this one


Simply combine all ingredients together in a blender and blend until very smooth.
Taste the mixture for sweetness and add a few drops of stevia to taste.

Note: The thickness of the mixture will depend on the size and texture of the avocado. Some are more fibrous than others. Add a little more almond milk if the mixture is too thick.

Here is Dr Nick’s video demo of the recipe: