3 Top Tips for Getting Back On The Low Carb Track After Cheating

low carb track

Following a low carb diet like the keto diet is definitely not a walk in the park. In fact, you could find yourself falling off the wagon. And when this happens, do not ever beat yourself up! There are ways to get back on track and get on with the diet. Check out these three top tips for getting back on the low carb track.

Getting Back On The Low Carb Track

1. Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Nobody is perfect and all of us are capable of committing mistakes. No matter how serious you are with your low-carb diet, you could still end up cheating. We live in a world that’s filled with temptations. Look around you, there are lots of carbs and sugar around! So unless you don’t leave your house, there’s a good chance that you will face temptations every single day.

So whatever you do, go easy on yourself. Never beat yourself up or feel bad because you cheated a little. Self-loathing will only make you feel depressed and when you do, you’ll find yourself eating even more! So the first step to getting back on track is to accept your failure. Pick yourself up and start all over again.

2. Get Moving To Get Back On The Low Carb Track

A lot of people would say that the best way to treat a hangover is by going on a 5k run! This could actually work with food hangovers, too! Just like having a hangover, you will not be in your best shape after cheating on a low carb diet.

So one of the first things that you need to focus on when this happens is to exercise. It could hurt a little bit at first and you might find yourself wondering why the heck you’re even doing it? But eventually, you’ll feel better and before you know it, you’ll be getting rid of all the junk you devoured.

Related reading: 6 Damaging Effects Of Sugar On Your Body

You do not really need to perform high-intensity exercises. Any activity that can help to raise your heart rate and make you sweat should help. Exercising can also help you to digest food better and helps your cells uptake all the extra glucose that is floating around in your bloodstream.

3. Look for a Buddy or a Low Carb Support Group

Go find someone who can provide you with the support that you need to get back on the low carb track. Another benefit of having a buddy is accountability. There are times when we are really bad at making promises to ourselves. Besides, these promises are only in our head after all. Therefore, it’s easy for us to pretend that we did not make any of these promises in the first place. However, when you confide in a friend or a buddy, you will be less likely to break it. In fact, the American Psychological Association has stated that having social support can help you to lose weight. According to the researchers,

It’s easier to stick with a weight loss plan when you have support, can share tips on diet and exercise and have an exercise buddy.

If you cannot find someone who can help support you in your low carb lifestyle, you can join one of those numerous support groups aimed at helping people to achieve their goals of losing weight. These people understand what you are going through and will be incredibly supportive in helping you get right back on track.


We all falter sometimes so there’s no reason to feel bad if you failed in maintaining the low carb lifestyle. Instead, pick yourself up, refer to the tips above, and get right back on that low carb track!