What Is Speed Keto and Should You Do It?

what is speed keto

If you’re into the keto diet, you have may have come across the term “Speed Keto”. But what is Speed Keto and should you consider doing it?

As the name suggests, Speed Keto is the process of speeding up ketosis by relying on some revolutionary fat-burning techniques. It’s a digital download program that claims to help you achieve weight loss fast.

In fact, some of those who have experienced weight loss stalls try the techniques to help them get back into ketosis fast. If done right, these techniques are said to help you reach the state of ketosis in as fast as 24 hours!

If you’re wondering what is Speed Keto, then here’s everything you need to know.

What Is Speed Keto?

Whether you are just starting the keto diet or have been following it for a while, you probably want your fat loss to be quick and easy. We all want to see immediate results and this is what the Speed Keto is for.

Developed by Dr. Harlan Kilstein, Speed Keto is a series of digital ebooks that aim to address some of the most common challenges that followers of the keto diet are often faced with. This is especially true for the newbies.

Don’t be fooled by the Dr title though because he is not a medical doctor. Harlan Kilstein, has a doctorate in Education and a post-doctorate degree at the Harvard University Graduate of Education. He is known as an entrepreneur.

He says that he is an expert coach and motivator – and devoted to helping people get the results they want.

Speed Keto is his latest project. After being overweight and in poor health for many years Harlan finally found something that worked. He cut out sugars and began to focus on eating healthy fats, and saw the weight beginning to fall right off.

On his Speed Keto website he states:

More than one million followers seek out my advice in social media every day. And their questions showed me what was wrong with Keto.

As you know, the keto diet requires you to calculate certain macros and figure out the amount of fats, proteins, and carbs that you are supposed to consume in a single day. With Speed Keto, you won’t be doing any of that.

Talking further about the program, Dr. Harlan Kilstein states that,

“The Speed Keto program I developed eliminates the calculations and makes the diet less daunting.”

If you sign up for this program, you will get e-books that will serve as your guides. These digital help books aim to address three of the most common problems that keto dieters are often faced with.

Common Problems Keto Dieters Are Faced With

You probably understand by now what is Speed Keto. Let’s take a closer look at each of these problems.

1. Calculating Macros

One of the most challenging things that newbies have to deal with in keto is calculating macros. But if you do enough research and understand how the keto diet works, this should be easy. At first, you might find it overwhelming but you’ll eventually get the hang of it.

Most people focus on monitoring their daily intake of carbs while also keeping track of the calories. There are apps that can help you keep track of your daily carbs intake so you may want to download one of these.

It’s also a good idea to prepare your meals ahead and use digital food scales to easily keep track of your macros.

2. Weight Loss Stall

Yes, you could experience weight loss stalls during your keto journey, but this does not apply to everyone. But there are many strategies out there that can help you to get back on track and continue your weight loss journey.

Intermittent Fasting

One of the strategies that some keto dieters follow when they experience weight loss stalls is intermittent fasting (IF). Aside from speeding up your weight loss, this also comes with many health benefits especially if you combine it with your keto diet.

In fact Harlan explains that the goal of the Speed Keto program is to incorporate the practice of IF. Eventually, people on the program eat just one meal per day, one that is low-carb, moderate-protein, and high-fat.

He goes on to say:

My method of fasting is quite unique. People believe intermittent fasting is difficult. That is until they see the Speed keto method. People never go hungry using the Speed Keto system. They report how much extra energy they feel.

It’s also important that you make it a habit to keep track of your calorie consumption. Sure, it takes a lot of hard work. But if you stop tracking your carbs and calories, all the efforts that you have put into your keto diet can go into waste.

Performing High-Intensity Exercises is another way to address your weight loss stall on keto. This is also included on Dr Kilstein’s program. Try to perform HIIT exercises at least 10 to 15 minutes each day and you will continue to lose weight.

3. Not Knowing What To Eat On Keto

The ketogenic diet is one of the most popular diets of today. A simple search online on what to eat on a keto diet will yield tons of results. So this is not really an issue with keto. Perhaps, newbies will have some questions on the right foods to eat, but this is an easy question to address.

To avoid this issue, it would be best to research ahead before you start with your keto diet. Come up with a list of keto-friendly foods and determine, which food to avoid. If you come across a food that you are not sure about, just search about it online.

Remember that the main goal of the ketogenic diet is to restrict your carb consumption. Therefore, you should avoid foods that are loaded with carbs. Instead, look for low-carb alternatives.

Is the Speed Keto Program Worth It?

The speed keto program is not free. It’s a one off payment of $39 and you will get guide books that will clearly explain what is speed keto and how it will help you with your keto diet. Results are guaranteed in 4 weeks.

Its main concept is that you follow a restricted-calorie diet coupled with extreme intermittent fasting in order to achieve ketosis fast. On the website Harlan states:

Imagine a keto with no counting macros… And getting visible results you can measure – in a small fraction of the time it would normally take.

Intermittent fasting on keto is truly effective but you don’t need to pay for a program to tell you about this. You will find lots of information about following intermittent fasting on keto online without having to spend a single penny.

According to one review site if you read reviews about the Speed Keto program, you’ll find only a few positive reviews, and some of them don’t seem to be genuine.

What Is Speed Keto Conclusion

Hopefully, this article has addressed your question of what is Speed Keto. Sure, this paid digital program will provide you with ebooks, meal plans, calendars, and other tools to help with your keto diet, but they are not really necessary.

You could get access to these tools for free if you take time to research about keto. All those problems that this program claims to solve were merely exaggerated and have simple solutions.

If you don’t have time to research, don’t mind paying for a program nor eating just one meal a day and want fast results then go for it.

Remember thought that there’s no shortcut to achieving success in your keto diet. The key is to do enough research and to have enough patience and willingness to go through the journey.

If you are struggling with your diet, there are lots of free solutions out there and you don’t need to spend money on a digital program just to help you get back on track.