Best Nuts to Eat On Keto

keto diet

You absolutely can have nuts when you’re on a keto diet but you might be asking what are the best nuts to eat on keto.  After all, they are high in fats and are generally low in carbs. Nuts contain some good nutrients and fiber too.

However, not all of them may be good for you. So to help you in making an informed decision, here’s everything you need to know about the best nuts to eat on keto.

Low-Carb Nuts

Generally, nuts are low in carbohydrate, especially when eaten in moderation. Therefore, they are great for people on a keto diet.

In proportion to the nut’s fat content, they are mostly low in carbs. For instance, an ounce of almonds has about 2.9 g of net carbs and the same amount of macadamia nuts would only have about 1.5 g of net carbs. It’s important that you consider net carbs over total carbs because nuts are loaded with fiber, which is indigestible. The net carbs basically refer to the number of carbs usable by your body.

Best Nuts to Eat on Keto

Although nuts are generally low carb, they are not at all created equal. It’s therefore important that you know the net carbs of your favorite nuts to determine if it’s good for you. Here are some of the best nuts to eat on a keto diet and their net carb counts in a 1-oz. portion.

• Almonds – 2.9 grams

• Brazil nuts- 1.3 grams

• Hazelnuts – 2.3 grams

• Macadamias – 1.5 grams

• Pecans – 1.1 grams

• Pine – 2.7 grams

• Walnuts – 1.9 grams

Be very mindful of the net carbs when choosing the type of nuts to eat. An ounce of nuts should be equivalent to about 28 pieces of nuts. Make sure you continue to monitor your ketone levels and be watchful for any changes. Be very mindful of the net carbs when choosing the type of nuts to eat.

By the way peanuts are not on the list as they are not true nuts. They are technically legumes and are not keto friendly as they are high in carbs.

Important Things to Keep In Mind

Nuts are high in fat, which makes them an ideal snack for those in a ketogenic diet. They can be made into nut butter and spread on make good nut butter too. However, their high-fat content also means they have high calories.

If you’re trying to lose weight by going on a keto diet, eating lots of nuts might make it hard for you to lose weight. And although calories are not the only thing that matters when you’re trying to lose weight, they do play a part. Therefore, watching your calorie intake is important if you’re trying to lose weight.

Related reading: Does Low Carb Dieting Result In Successful Weight Loss?

Essential fatty acid ratios

Some nuts are also rich in Omega 6 fatty acids so be very careful with the number of nuts that you eat. The majority of people get far too much Omega 6 fatty acids and not enough Omega 3. The body functions best when they are in the correct ratio.  According to Dr Axe

“Studies show that a lower ratio of omega 6s to omega 3s is better to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases”.

Of low carb nuts walnuts contain the most Omega 3 fats.

A lot of people find that nuts taste better if they are salted or salted and roasted. But this could make you to eat far more nuts than you need to satisfy your hunger. This could slow down your weight loss and is not a good idea if you’re on keto. A good idea is to eat from a small bowl instead of eating from an entire bag.

Nuts are good made into nut butter and can be useful as a topping for your keto pancakes or smoothies but beware of added sugar. This nut butter from Perfect Keto is, well ….. perfect for a keto diet!

Related reading: How A Low Carb Diet Keeps Your Appetite Under Control

In conclusion, nuts are generally good to eat if you’re on a keto diet for weight loss. However, it is best to eat them only in moderation. If you’re finding it hard to lose weight or if you’re suffering from allergies and digestive problems after you eat nuts, you may need to just cut them out of your diet or try chewing them really well.