Brownie Bites Recipe : Keto Fat Bomb

brownie bites recipe

If you are trying to cut down on carbs, this no bake brownie bites recipe is guaranteed to win you over! It’s one of those recipes that you should try if you find yourself craving sweets.

Even though they are made from low-carb ingredients, these brownie bites are shockingly good! You can have them for dessert or a snack with your mid-morning coffee or afternoon tea.

Each brownie bite contains only 2 grams of net carbs, so you won’t feel any guilt with every bite. Plus, this brownie bites recipe from Joe Duff, the Diet Chef, is so very quick and easy to prepare!

Recipe notes

Make sure that if you are making these brownie bites for a low carb or keto diet you get sunflower butter without added sugar. In fact it’s better to avoid sugar for any way of eating.

Related reading: 6 Damaging Effects Of Sugar On Your Body

Joe uses sunflower seed butter in these fat bombs because the flavor is fairly neutral. Peanut butter can be a bit overpowering. You could use almond butter if you like but it makes a change to have sunflower butter.

Sunflower seed butter nutrition

Sunflower seed butter, also known as sun butter, has more B vitamins, minerals, and heart healthy monounsaturated fat than almond butter and more unsaturated fat, magnesium, and vitamin E than peanut butter.

It contains vitamins B-1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and Vitamin E, minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, and zinc and selenium as well as phytonutrients. It contains a higher amount of dietary fiber than peanut butter but not as much as almond butter.

It’s also good for people who have peanut (not a true nut) or nut allergies.

I prefer to buy sunflower seed butter in glass jars like this one because even though the plastic jars are supposed to be for food use I am concerned that one or more of the chemicals may leach into the food from the plastic.  The fewer of these chemicals you get into your bodies the better for your health.

Zero Carb Sweetener

Be sure to use confectioners erythritol in this brownie bites recipe because, as the recipe is not cooked, it dissolves better than granulated.

Erythritol is an alternative to refined sugar that does not cause a rise in blood sugar nor trigger insulin. That’s what you want if you are on a low carb diet for diabetes.

Related reading: How Does a Keto Diet Balance Blood Sugar?

It tastes and bakes just like regular sugar and does not get absorbed so does not add calories. It is however a sugar alcohol and should be avoided if you follow a low FODMAP diet for irritable bowel or other digestive problems.

Some brands may be made from corn starch obtained from GMO corn so if you want to avoid that then do look for one that states it’s non GMO. This organic one from Now Foods or this one from So Nourished state that they are non GMO.

Brownie Bites Recipe


  • 1/2 cup or 128 grams no added sugar sunflower butter
  • 1/4 cup or 20 grams unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup or 66 grams confectioners Erythritol
  • 3 tablespoons or 21 grams coconut flour
  • Pinch of Himalayan salt
  • 1 tbs walnuts, broken (optional)


1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Use a spatula to mix all ingredients until they form a crumbly texture.

2. Once the texture is crumbly, use your clean hands to squeeze the mixture together to  form a ball.

3. Now break off golf ball sized pieces of the dough and roll into balls. You can make them smaller if you prefer.

4. Place the brownie bites on a plate and enjoy!

5. Store any remaining  bites in a sealed container and place in the fridge.

Here’s Joe’s video demo of how to prepare this brownie bites recipe.