5 Top Tips for Getting Started on a Low Carb Diet

low carb diet

A 2016 study of the British Journal of Nutrition has found that a low carb diet is more effective compared to the low-fat diet. In the study, participants in the low carb diet have shown a significant weight loss in only a period of six months unlike those in the low-fat diet.

So if you want a truly effective way to lose some weight, it’s time to give the low carb diet a try. But how do you get started with the diet? Read on to find out some of the top tips for getting started on a low carb diet.

1. Determine your Macros

Macros, short for macronutrients, refer to the amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that one must eat every single day. Individual macros usually depend on a person’s weight, height, gender, age, level of activities, and body fat percentage.

You’ll find plenty of macro calculators online that you can use for determining your macros, such as the Keto Calculator from Tasteaholics. Once you’ve determined your macros, you can start planning your low carb meals based upon it.

2. Shop for your Foods

When shopping for your foods, choose those that are naturally low in carbohydrates, such as green leafy veggies that you can use for salads. Other low carb foods to include in your diet are nuts, seeds, eggs, full-fat dairy, and grass-fed meats. It is best to choose fresh produce that is minimally processed. Avoid processed foods since they are often high in sodium, added sugars, and preservatives that can greatly ruin your low carb diet.

Related reading: 5 Healthy Fruits You Can Eat On A Low Carb Diet

Related reading: What Are the Best Low Carb Vegetables?

3. Learn How to Prepare Low Carb Diet Meals

Thanks to the Internet, looking for low carb meal recipes is now so easy, which makes getting into the low carb diet much easier as well. It is best to start with simple recipes, but this does not mean that you simply stick with boring meals. Don’t be afraid to experiment. For instance, you can add herbs and spices and plenty of healthy fat to make your meals taste even more delicious.

4. Take It Easy

Remember that before you get into the low carb diet, your body has been burning carbs to be used as energy. If you’ll suddenly switch fuels, you are like pouring gasoline into a diesel engine, which will shock the car. This is also what happens to your body for a few days, until such time that it gets used to the lower intake of carb diet. So take it easy. It is best to avoid doing strenuous activities just yet. If you’re trying to go on a keto diet, wait until your body is already in the state of ketosis before you start performing rigorous exercises.

5. Eat Smart Fats

There are some people who believe that all fats are bad for your health, most especially saturated fats. But almost all foods that have fats contain saturated fats, including olive oil, which is among the healthiest foods on the planet.

Saturated fats are only bad if they have become spoiled. In fact, any fat that gets spoiled is not good for your health. Saturated fats coming from all natural sources will not lead to any heart disease.

Related reading: Best Fats To Eat On A Low Carb Diet

When deciding to go on a low carb diet, you may need to adjust your mindset regarding fats. Contrary to what a lot of people thought, eating fats will not make you fat. If you are going on a low carb diet, all the fats that you eat will quickly melt away. So do a bit of research about fats as this can greatly help you in starting with the low carb diet.

Image by Amoonra