Low Carb Chilled Avocado Soup Recipe


Love them or hate them there is no doubt that avocados are very healthy. They have become so popular among followers of low carb and keto diets because as well as being low in net carbs they are very filling and satisfying.

Although they are high in fat it is the healthy mono-unsaturated kind which is good for your heart and can help lower “bad” cholesterol and may increase “good” cholesterol.

Related reading: How a Low Carb High Fat Diet Affects your Cholesterol

As well as healthy fat avocados are a source of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber essential for healthy weight management. When researchers studied a group of overweight people they found that the participants who ate half an avocado with their lunch had a decreased desire to eat for up to five hours afterwards.

Related reading: How A Low Carb Diet Keeps Your Appetite Under Control

You may have eaten avocados as guacamole, on toast for breakfast, in smoothies or in salads but have you tried them in a soup?  It’s not really as weird as it sounds. In fact, this recipe is very delicious and packed with healthy and good fats, which is perfect if you’re on a low carb or ketogenic diet.

This no-cook low-carb avocado soup is so easy to prepare and does not require any complicated ingredients. All you need are a few minutes of your time, some easy-to-find ingredients and an efficient blender.

Low Carb Chilled Avocado Soup


• 1 whole ripe avocado
• 1 cup non-dairy milk such as coconut

Optional ingredients, to taste

• Cayenne or hot pepper
• Fresh parsley or cilantro
• Freshly squeezed lemon, lime or orange juice
• Paprika
• Himalayan salt (avoid sea salt because much of it contains plastic fiber now)


• Peel and chop the avocado.

• Place in blender along with half a cup of the milk.

• Add salt and pepper (if using).

• Blend until you get a purée consistency

• Pour in the remaining milk.

• Blend until you achieve a smooth and creamy texture.

• Transfer to a bowl and cover with some parchment paper.  (please do not use plastic film as shown in the video as toxic chemicals may be  transferred to the food) Chill in the fridge for up to six hours.

• Add the fresh juice, herb, and paprika before serving.

Here’s a video of the recipe from Andrew, The Humble Nut.

Looking for more low carb recipes? Check these out:

Brownies On A Low Carb Diet?

Delicious Keto Lava Cake Recipe

Low Carb Zucchini Pasta With Avocado Sauce Recipe

Keto Green Smoothie Recipe with Blueberries and Avocado

Keto Pancakes with Berries


Image by Jess