How To Stick With Keto When You Love Bread and Pasta

how to stick to keto

How to stick with keto is a question that comes up time and time again in some of the online health groups. The main problem seems to be to do with having to lower carbs.

Who doesn’t love carbohydrates? They’re delicious, comforting, and, for the majority of people, extremely hard to give up. The love of pasta and bread can put many people off giving the amazing keto diet a try.

Related reading: How Carbohydrates Contribute To Weight Gain

You’ve read all the great health improvements and quick weight loss others have got from following the diet and you want to give it a try but the thought of giving up those carbs stops you. So what to do?

Related reading: 5 Amazing Health Benefits of a Keto Diet

There are countless foods and recipes available out there to help every carb-lover stick to their keto diet. You simply have to get creative and know where to look. Let’s get started with some helpful tips to keep you from falling off the wagon because of your love for pasta and bread.

7 day keto jumpstart

How To Stick With Keto

1. All or Nothing is a Fallacy

The best part about keto becoming so popular is that you don’t have to approach it with an all-or-nothing-mentality. There are thousands upon thousands of recipes available online so you can still have all your favorite carbo type foods without breaking keto.

Related reading: What Can You Eat On Keto?

Replacing wheat flour with nut flours like almond or coconut flour can help you soothe that bread craving without giving up all the work you’ve done so far.

Related reading: 3 Best Low Carb Flour Alternatives

Admittedly the bread made with these alternative flours not quite the same as wheat flour bread but with a bit of trial and error with recipes you can come up with a keto bread that you like. Just think how much better it is for you.

Related reading: Low Carb Bread Recipes

2. Cauliflower is a Godsend

You’ve likely seen the craze in cauliflower products all over the supermarket shelves. Replacing rice in a dish with cauliflower can really help you ease your cravings and stay on keto.

You can make a pizza crust with cauliflower, make “chicken” wings with cauliflower “breaded” in parmesan, and even make incredibly similar versions of mashed potatoes and mac and cheese with cauliflower in place of your usual carbs.

3. Get Creative with Veggies

You can make bread, crusts, and pasta all out of various vegetables like cauliflower and zucchini. Zucchini and eggplant both lend themselves nicely to dishes like ziti and lasagna, and cauliflower isn’t far behind them.

You can invest in a gadget to make spirals with zucchini that can be a substitute for pasta. Or you can simply use a vegetable peeler or mandolin to make suitable shapes.

Related reading: What are The Best Pasta Alternatives for a Low Carb Diet?

These vegetables act as a blank slate. They don’t have much flavor but they absorb your tasty sauce in a similar way to pasta. That’s how to stick with keto.

4. Replacing Tacos and Tortillas

Tacos and tortillas are a big, difficult thing to give up as they have so many uses and so few substitutions. While the first part of that’s true, keto dieters are learning that there are actually quite a few effective substitutions for their beloved tacos.

You can use lettuce to replace the wrap for a sandwich. Collards or cabbage work just as well too. You can also make tortilla shells, crackers and chaffles out of shredded cheese. Chaffles are like waffles but made with cheese. They act as slices of bread. Get creative!

5. Pancakes Don’t Have to Be Off-Limits

Pancakes are one thing keto-dieters have really prioritized. A simple search on the internet for keto pancakes will produce thousands of recipes using anything from cream cheese, almond or coconut flour to pork rinds.

While not all of these recipes taste exactly like regular flour pancakes, there are quite a few that taste extremely similar and delicious so you definitely won’t be missing out.

My favorites are those recipes using either almond or coconut flour to duplicate the fluffy deliciousness of traditional pancakes without all the carbs. Try these Low Carb Almond Pancakes With Raspberry Sauce and see what I mean.

6. How to Stick with Keto by Taking to the Internet

The internet is a wonderful resource for anyone trying to start and wanting to know how to stick to a keto diet. Because this diet is enjoying so much popularity, there is a seemingly infinite supply of blogs and research available all over the internet.

People have tried, failed, and succeeded at several keto-replacement recipes; there’s no reason for you to have to go it alone.

If you’re struggling to stick to your keto diet, rely on the others that have gone before you and save yourself the hassle of making mistakes. So many people have already uncovered the secret keto gems for ingredients and recipes alike; why should you have to struggle when they’re readily available?

Don’t miss out on this highly-effective and amazing diet just because of your love affair with pasta and bread. If you want to start and stick to the keto diet, find yourself some healthy, lower-carb bread and pasta replacement recipes, rather than setting yourself up for failure.

You can still have things like pancakes, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and even pizza and lasagna, you just have to get creative.

If you’re worried about how to stick to keto when eating out when you are considering following the diet then there is no need. Eating Out On Keto? Here’s How You Can.